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Overdose Fatality Review and Prevention Subgroup

Aligning with the Portage County Community Health Improvement Process and Plan (CHIPP), the Prevention subgroup works to improve substance use in the Portage County community. The Portage County Overdose Fatality Review Recommendation Subgroup recently merged to increase resources, unify strategies, enhance networking, reduce duplication, provide a stronger voice, and increase visibility of the harm reduction initiatives in Portage County.

Current Members:

Bryar Drexler |  Chair | Portage County Division of Public Health 

Anthony Luchini | Plover EMS/FD

Beth Ann Rosenow | Stevens Point Housing Authority

Courtney Tvedten | Marathon County Health Department

Felicia Blunt | Three Bridges Recovery

Jessica Hake | Portage County Health and Human Services Community Programs

Jessica Hilgers | Portage County Health and Human Services/Jail

Jodi Chamberlain | Three Bridges Recovery

Dr. Michael Clark | Aspirus

Sarah Agena | Noble Community Clinics

Teresa Kovach | Portage County Health and Human Services

Want to get involved? Email Bryar Drexler at

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